A server in computing is a software application that gives a service on behalf of the client. They respond to incoming requests and provide a service. There are different types of servers such as:
- Database
- File
- Application
- Web
- Image
- Sound
Therefore XAMPP have been downloaded from http://www.apachefriends.org/en/index.html, where it contains the following:
- Apache HTTPd (Web Server)
- Filezilla FTP server
- phpMyAdmin
- Open SSL
XAMPP Control Panel
Then the http and https services have been checked if they are activatedHttp
As you can see, for https, the statuses for most of the components are deactivated, but at the bottom it says the following: 'Some changes in configuration may sometimes cause false negatives. All reports viewed with SSL (https://localhost) do not function!'I also checked the security status of the XAMPP installation where I found that all components have been unsecured. Therefore to fix the problems for mysql, phpmyadmin and the XAMPP directory, http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php , have been used.
XAMPP Security (Unsecure)
XAMPP Security (Secure)
When I started FTP the service on the Control Panel, I clicked on Admin to set the Filezilla service on XAMPP, where I followed the steps that are found in http://tutpages.com/download/images/xampp/filezila/chmod.html to assign users. Filezilla Server
Then I connected the FTP program to the XAMPP server FTP service.
Filezilla FTP Client
To get a phpinfo() report, I created a php file named 'hello.php'. This was created inside the htdocs document and the following URL has been inserted in the browser 'http://localhost/hello.php'. At first, it displayed 'Object not found', but when I rebooted the system, the following phpinfo() report have been displayed.
phpinfo() report
I also tested the default guestbook and got a visitor report using the 'Webalizer' tool.
visitor report
I also modified the html file found in 'C:\xampp\htdocs\index.html' by adding an image and a style sheet to it and typed 'http://localhost/index.html' in the URL and got the following:
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